
Our Vission

The Viet Ecology Foundation embraces the vision of a healthy and harmonious nature in which all life, small and large, simple and complex, can co-exist equally and righteously.

We seek to maintain and protect the delicate balance of nature as our global quality of life intrinsically depends on the way we think, care, and conduct our affairs.
Hence, our goal is clear and simple: to promote and preserve the ecological balance so vital to all life.

Our Mission

We conduct scientific research on ecology, environmental health and safety, and waste treatment and management; and therein support the implementation of such ecologically sustainable models via projects and initiatives.

We engage in educational and scientific consultation to persons, firm, corporation, institution, and government in Vietnam on ecology, environmental health and safety, and waste treatment and management.

We work closely with communities, businesses and government in Vietnam to disseminate information on ecology, environmental health and safety, and waste treatment and management.

Contact Us
Postal address: Viet Ecology Foundation (VEF)
PO Box 228
Glastonbury, CT 06033 - USA
Email address: vefmedia@vietecology.org